How to Plan a Backyard Wedding (Pandemic Style)

A backyard wedding is a quaint way to cut costs and still enjoy an intimate and beautiful day. With the current global pandemic, having the wedding in a venue you can control with a smaller guest list might be something you and your loved ones may ultimately be more comfortable doing. Here are some things to consider when you start to think about planning a backyard wedding. 

how to plan backyard wedding

1.Your costs will decrease.

The costs that you save on having your own built-in venue can be allocated elsewhere, like a catered meal, decor, or gifts for your bridesmaids and groomsmen. On average, a wedding venue is close to or over half the cost of a whole wedding’s budget. You won’t have to worry about having the per person fees or laying down a security deposit either.

2. You can keep your guest list small when you have a backyard wedding, you only have so much room.

Most people will understand (especially now) that you need to limit your guest list. On the other side of that, don’t over invite or feel pressured to. Try to figure out how many people can comfortably sit, but also move and walk around spaciously in your apartment. The last thing you want in your or a loved one’s home is bumping and scuffing, or for anyone to feel cramped. Furthermore, you can also invite friends and families to watch your wedding while keeping a small number of attendees, and that is livestreaming your wedding.

3. Decorating the home is a large reason many people do decide to host their wedding in the backyard.

If you cherish your home and love to share the space anyways this can be a really intimate and beautiful way to share your special day with the ones you care about the most. Whether it be a childhood home or one you share with your partner already, consider the things that you love the most about it. Something like a special tree or a yard full of memories can hold sentimental value that makes your wedding all the more special. 

how to plan backyard wedding


A backyard wedding is a great way to add an incredibly personal and meaningful touch to your special day. Taking the time to thoroughly think through each component will ensure you and your loved ones have the most relaxing time. Now go live it up!

Aug 16

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Bridal Bash Online Expo - Plan Your Best Wedding, Best Life and more About this Event Bridal Bash Virtual Expo-Meet expert vendors to plan your best wedding! Join us for the Bridal Bash Online Expo every Sunday at 12noon- 1pm * Champagne Brunch happy-hour with the bridal bash team!* * Meet trusted bridal experts * * Learn Bridal basics & tips * Grab your bride tribe and come spend time with us online to make your fairytale wedding come to life before your eyes! The Bridal Bash online expo brings together the most trusted bridal experts for one incredible day of face-to-face wedding planning fun. The Bridal Bash is teaming up with top vendors & sponsors to create a special mock wedding reception within the event! Discuss every element to your dream wedding and be entered to win incredible prizes
Date And Time
Sun, August 16, 2020 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM IST
Online Event