Should I Move My Wedding Date Due to the Pandemic?

should i move wedding date due to covid

Were you forced to reschedule your wedding date due to COVID-19? If you’re like a lot of other couples, you’ve already booked your wedding venue, sent out wedding invitations, and finalized each detail down to your flower bouquet. Your world has been flipped upside down in so many ways due to this pandemic, and now you have to weigh the option of pushing back your special day too.

Whatever you decide, here are some things to consider when moving your wedding date:

1) Do you have time to move it out? 

Many venues are recommending confirming a postponement three to five months out. Your area might be too densely populated for a wedding that your guests feel comfortable attending. In some instances, a destination wedding just may not be feasible right now with travel restrictions. If your wedding is too close for comfort, you may want to consider a micro wedding, where while your guest list may be cut, so may your costs! Check out our blog on the benefits of having a micro wedding here.

2) What are you prioritizing? 

Some things may be more possible and safer to do than other things. Can you cut down your guest list, or is that big wedding important to you? Do you know anyone who may be immunocompromised? Can you move things outdoors? What will the dance floor look like? Will you instate a mask requirement? Hugging? These are all things to consider when planning when to move your wedding date.

3) Try weekday wedding dates with your venue

Many wedding venues have already started booking the most sought dates for 2021, but if you consider holding a weekday wedding, you may have more luck. Many places are more likely to have open dates for a Monday or Tuesday than they would a Friday or Saturday. Communicate with your guest list when you decide so that they are able to plan for this change accordingly.

should i move wedding date due to covid

4) Discuss the possibility of COVID-19 for your future dates with venues

While we don’t like to think about it, there is a chance that the pandemic may not clear up for some time. You don’t want to pick a date in the future and then have to redo the planning for the third time. Many venues are giving couples the opportunity to pick up back-up dates should the pandemic still be an issue in the future. Always read your contract carefully and ask your wedding venue about their COVID policies.

5) Communicate your plans with your guest list. 

There isn’t anyone out there who hasn’t been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone should understand how difficult this process can be. When giving your updates, stay mindful of those who booked flights and hotels. Also, consider where your guests are coming from. You may need to plan differently if your guests need to fly and stay in hotels than if they were driving and in cabins. Being timely with your updates, even if it is to say things are TBD, is a great way to show your respect. Don’t be too hard on yourself, this is new for everyone.

6) Love is patient. 

If you can’t wait for another second to start your new life with your partner, there is always the option of moving the party but still eloping.

No matter how or when your wedding day comes, it will be beautiful. It may not look like how you originally imagined, but try to remember what truly matters – the love you share with your person.

Aug 16

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Bridal Bash Online Expo - Plan Your Best Wedding, Best Life and more About this Event Bridal Bash Virtual Expo-Meet expert vendors to plan your best wedding! Join us for the Bridal Bash Online Expo every Sunday at 12noon- 1pm * Champagne Brunch happy-hour with the bridal bash team!* * Meet trusted bridal experts * * Learn Bridal basics & tips * Grab your bride tribe and come spend time with us online to make your fairytale wedding come to life before your eyes! The Bridal Bash online expo brings together the most trusted bridal experts for one incredible day of face-to-face wedding planning fun. The Bridal Bash is teaming up with top vendors & sponsors to create a special mock wedding reception within the event! Discuss every element to your dream wedding and be entered to win incredible prizes
Date And Time
Sun, August 16, 2020 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM IST
Online Event